Load images into gallery viewer, DZ-90 STUBBY Drive
Load and play videos in the gallery viewer, DZ-90 STUBBY Drive
Load images into gallery viewer, DZ-90 STUBBY Drive
Load images into gallery viewer, DZ-90 STUBBY Drive
Load images into gallery viewer, DZ-90 STUBBY Drive
Load images into gallery viewer, DZ-90 STUBBY Drive
Load images into gallery viewer, DZ-90 STUBBY Drive
Load images into gallery viewer, DZ-90 STUBBY Drive

Product number: DZ-90

DZ-90 STUBBY Drive

通常価格 ¥1,980 (税込)
¥1,782 (税込)
tax included
In stock, 1-2 business days until shipment
Pre-order text

A stabie grip that allows you to work powerfully even in tight spaces.

The total length when the extremely short bit is attached, is 63.5mm, making it a compact body that is convenient for working in tight spaces.
Ergonomic design that is non-slip and fits well in your hand.
A flat grip that is easier to put force into than traditional ball grips.
It is equipped with a hexagonal bolster with a 13mm side, and by using a wrench, large and fixed screws can be easily rotated.
Magnetic retention structure that makes it easy to attach and remove the bit. Ultra-short bits with a total length of 18mm can also be used.
*Do not apply impact with a hammer or something similar.
*Double-headed bits cannot be used.
*When using a bit with a ball groove for an impact driver, do not use it on screws that are M8 or higher.

For installing and removing various screws.
For working in tight spaces.
For carrying tools for maintenance etc.
For repairs, maintenance, car, motorcycle and bicycle maintenance, and do-it-yourself.

Supported sides: 6.35mm
Total length: 55mm
Bit insertion depth: 9.5mm
Weight: 58g
Material: Body/Elastomer & PP & Carbon Steel
