Load images into gallery viewer, DBZ-50B BAZOOKAgrip
Load images into gallery viewer, DBZ-50B BAZOOKAgrip
Load images into gallery viewer, DBZ-50B BAZOOKAgrip
Load images into gallery viewer, DBZ-50B BAZOOKAgrip
Load images into gallery viewer, DBZ-50B BAZOOKAgrip

Product number: DBZ-50B


通常価格 ¥990 (税込)
¥891 (税込)
tax included
In stock, 1-2 business days until shipment
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Can loosen crushed dish screws and cap boltsBAZOOKA、Socket Screw ExtractorSpecial grip.

The ergonomic grip makes it easy to press against prevents come out (the driver lifts up).
Supports bits with 6.35mm opposite sides.

For installing and removing various screws.
For repairs, maintenance, car, motorcycle and bicycle maintenance, and do-it-yourself.

Size: 100 x 70 x 30 mm
Color: Black
Weight: 83g
Material: Body/ABS & Nylon
