Load images into gallery viewer, DZ-70 Nejizaurus GT Drive
Load images into gallery viewer, DZ-70 Nejizaurus GT Drive
Load images into gallery viewer, DZ-70 Nejizaurus GT Drive
Load images into gallery viewer, DZ-70 Nejizaurus GT Drive
Load images into gallery viewer, DZ-70 Nejizaurus GT Drive
Load images into gallery viewer, DZ-70 Nejizaurus GT Drive

Product number: DZ-70

DZ-70 Nejizaurus GT Drive

通常価格 ¥2,200 (税込)
¥1,980 (税込)
tax included
In stock, 1-2 business days until shipment
Pre-order text

An ergonomic driver that produces powerful torque.

Since it penetrates a φ10mm iron core, the impact of the hammer is transmitted directly to the tip.
It comes with a bolster and uses a wrench to output high torque.
It has a shallow bit insertion depth of 33mm, and driver bits with a total length of 50mm or more can be used.
The insertion port is made by high-precision machining to reduce gaps between the bit and the bit, preventing blurring during work.

For installing and removing various screws.
For repairs, maintenance, car, motorcycle and bicycle maintenance, and do-it-yourself.

Total length: 121mm
Grip diameter: 38mm
Weight: 146g
